Wednesday, November 3, 2010

5 things that you dont know about me.

1. i read tarot cards - i find that its a great tool to think about how relationships are affecting me and what i want from life.

2. i dont really have a shoe fettish. most girls would say this is wierd, but i just dont buy that many shoes or bags. give me jewellery or a new dress anyday. ill be happy wearing my flip flops for eternity.

3. once upon a drunk memory i was running to catch up to friends and accidentally flung my huge ring at a taxi. the taxi driver than procceded to yell at me, asking what happened. i was like - maybe you drove over a rock?! this has coined the phrase when trying on new rings "that would dent a taxi"

4. im left handed.

5. im a twin. his name is alex, and sometimes know as chantals brother. on the other hand im alexs sister a whole lot of the time. we dont look the same, which has lead to him never telling anyone, no one believes us.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


So, Ive been one busy bee for the last few weeks since getting back home to gloriously sunny QLD. Ive started university up again, have been job hunting, got a hair cut, celebrated my birthday... and this weekend i attended splendour in the grass!

Highlights were as expected - British India, Angus and Julia Stone, the temper trap, TWO DOOR CINEMA CLUB, bluejuice, flo & the mo, the strokes, frightened rabbits, we are scientists, broken social scene, KATE NASH!

Was a fantastic time, even though its "winter" there was amazing weather and just the best tunes, fashion and people.

The best performer in my eyes were florence and kate. Just all the best songs that i love and being front row for kate blew my mind.

Now the weekend is over, its back to uni and job hunting. WISH ME LUCK!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I haven't posted in a while, and for that Im sorry. Along with it being my last month in Canada, its also been Canada Day, a whole host of birthdays... and did I mention my LAST MONTH! Damn, how time has flown by.

The most eventful thing was defiantly my Canada Day so far. I jumped in the frigid Hudson Bay with about 100 other people. Woo, did that wake me up. Ill post some pictures when I get around to it.

Along with that, I finally got around to dying my hair red again. Its been a long hair journey, 3 years in the making but I'm back and couldn't be happier. I can't wait to dye it again to get more depth :)

As I said, pictures to follow asap. In the meantime, I will be off enjoying my last week in Churchill Manitoba.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Just a quick update

So, for those who are reading this blog it may seem quite lacking in the make up/fashion stakes before promised... Please be patient, and when I get back to Brisvegas via Winnipeg and Vancouver there will be many goodies to haul and review.

In the meantime, I've been checking out this website -

Here are a few of my favourite images.







[All of these are from no infringement intended. go and check it out!]


Monday, June 21, 2010


So, I finally got around to making my own Last FM page. I must admit, Im addicted.
Theres no if buts or maybes, im listening to my music on purpose to make sure my list is growing and growing. I can now understand why Alex leaves his Itunes on all night just for the plays. (Yes, I know thats why your one of the top Amity Affliction listeners!)

On that note, Ive got a few gigs lined up for when I get home. One of which is the highly anticipated 'Ill come home if I can get a ticket" Splendour in the Grass at Woodford. I'm beyond excited. the WHOLE line up is something that Ive either heard of or listened to religiously. Highlights would have to be Broken Social Scene, Florence and the Machine, Kate Nash, Empire of the Sun and Bluejuice to make just a few. Although, I read through the list and wish I could see them all! My aim is to go to the ones that are from overseas, since Aussie bands come and go so often.

The next gig Im anticipating is Alexisonfire at the Tivoli in October. Dave brought me a ticket without telling me.. and when I discovered that they were playing I jumped up and down and told him straight away. So, yes. Im going! Ive gotten into them alot since being in Canada.

Thats about it for now, so check out my Last FM if your interested.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I'll start off this blog just letting everyone know that I am very clumsy, easily panicked and I rarely think thing through (especially when it comes to the consequences of my actions).

On Monday night we held a party for one of the women I used to work with at the supermarket. Nifty Fifty, oh it will be fun! I was trying to help out as much as I could, getting people drinks, making jello shooters and taking plates of food back and forth. I was having a great time... until... the cake + huge industrial sparklers = a smoke alarm going off down the hallway in the restaurant kitchen.

As it was, we were all in a little bit of a panic about how to turn it off and what was going to happen. I, using my cunning skills and amazing aptitude for dealing with pressure (close to none) follow the sound of the alarm, got to the kitchen and pulled the fire switch.

Moments later, after running back down the hall, find a very large amount of liquids coming out of the sprinkler system all over the hot plate,ovens, deep fryer and grills. It takes me a moment to piece it all together, that YES I DID DO THIS. We all had a giggle about it, and after mopping a little resumed the party.

To my astonishment, yesterday I am found in bed writing previous blog and am told its going to cost me 700 CA dollars and at least 8 hours of my time to fix this panicked accident. Turns out that wasn't just water, it was a harsh corrosive fire fighting liquid that if not washed off EVERY surface of the kitchen it will rust everything. Plus the liquid is 200 CA a litre...

I now have chemically burnt hands, and have to go back again right now to finish up the floor and a few more dishes.

Joy is me... no more MAC any time soon unfortunately.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


MAY is over. Its amazing how fast this year is going.. I only have a month left in Canada. Once a month I'm going all add my new favourite monthly items, products and favourite new things from the month previous. Make up, tunes, random things I hate about my life are all up for auction.

So lets get it started with a HOT & NOT list.


<3 Tea! chai, fruit, green.. anything herbal and I'm hooked. 3 pots a day is a little more than a normal obsession
<3 Haylee Williams. If you haven't seen those naked pictures from her twitter, your the only one in the world. Google "Haylee Williams boobs" and thank me later. Plus the new Paramore album is to die for.
<3 Teal. Nails, eyes, clothing.. I just want it.
<3 Scarfs. Spring = a temperature of anything between -7 to +7 Celsius in Churchill, MB. Bring on the light winter clothing!
<3 Melting icebergs. (see above)
<3 Handmade things
<3 Applying to UNI again - Watch out Kelvin Grove QUT, I'm on my way.
<3 Incenses
<3 Visitors while working the bar
<3 Volleying - having so much fun with my philanthropic friend Meaghan, what an amazing girl who is all about helping out everyone.
<3 Happy hour drinks
<3 Remembering the night before
<3 Michael Bowies music taste. HURRAH! (see below for what I'm on about)
<3 My new favourite eye shadow combo. Phloof, Sable, Carbon on top of Bare Study paint pot. (see below picture)



x Gardewine North
x Rude boys
x Songs about Rude Boys and cum shots - Lets get classy people.
x Winter weather, when its obviously supposed to be summer right now.
x Slush from melting snow
x Bruised sternums
x Counting inventory
x Being drunk before 12pm
x Gambling and people who do it (vlts/pokies.. whatever you want to call slot machines.)
x 13 year olds who have sex... Obviously taught about this from Rhianna - come on rude boy, you 13, you can't get ANYTHING up.
x Blacking out
x No mall in middle of nowhere Canadian town.
x Holey tights
x People who tell me I shouldn't wear my mukluks anymore. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK, they are my legs, my 300 dollar boots. I'll get them dirty if I want to. (edit - on second thought, they might have a point)


This month I started searching more on a home base for new music. When I work at the seaport bar I have free reign over what is played, so to play something unusual is fun to me.

My friend Bowie is a constant inspiration when it comes to music. He is also an avid youtube blogger if your interested - for budding aussie hip hop and random vlogs about music and life.

He sent me some tunes this month, and I have to say, I loved them all. But, since its quite a large list.. my fabourites include -

Delphic - Doubt
Classixx - I'll get you (gigamesh remix)
anything from the new Tame Impala
The Coalition Crew - Gaining momentum (feat. Kel & Rainman)

Major Highlights from Bowie -

From my own collection - What can I say, the clap gets me every time.

And this is my new obsession.. found on the last day of May
